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How to Spot Roof Damage from Wind: An TX Resident’s Guide

We get concerned each time we a homeowner calls us to report that his roof sustained damage. If you’re facing the same issue now or want to learn more about this area, keep reading.

One of the many elements that wreak havoc on Allen TX is strong winds. Winds are no friend to roofs for if they don’t blow them away, they leave them with serious issues. We’ll discuss some of these telltale problem signs in this guide.

Today, StormPros will cover the following topics regarding roof damage from wind:

Let’s get started.

Signs of Roof Damage from Wind

Whether you live in Allen TX or not, strong winds are no fun. Who knows what will happen next? If high winds hit your area, look out for these signs of damage. These signs can be spotted outside and inside of your home. That said, carry out an exterior and interior inspection.

1. Missing and damaged roof shingles

Go outside your home and look at your roof from the garden. Do you notice bare areas of your roof where shingles used to be found? Winds can loosen up shingle nails, causing these shingles to blow off. If the shingles are present, watch out for curling and buckling.

Please take note that it’s not always roof damage due to wind. Roof damage mostly occurs when winds are extreme. For example, tornadoes and hurricanes.

2. Fallen debris

Strong, damaging winds cause tree branches to break. They also blow away debris and other objects. These things land on or hit your roofing material. You should suspect roof damage from wind if you find debris all over the place. Usually, you’ll find broken tree branches on the roof.

3. Excessive granules in the gutters

An excessive amount of debris in the gutters is indicative of wind damage.

If you see granules in the gutters on a regular day, don’t freak out. Asphalt shingles shed off granules normally. This sign is part of a roof’s aging process.

However, granules that are excessive in amount following a storm can spell bad news. Strong winds knock off granules. You have a good reason to suspect roof damage from wind.

4. Indoor stains on the walls and ceiling

Roof damage from wind can sometimes manifest as indoor water stains. When your roofing material gets compromised, water easily enters your home. You’ll find these water stains usually on ceiling surfaces and walls. These are yellowish or grayish marks.

5. Loose or missing flashing

Flashed roof areas are stress points. Strong winds can blow roof flashing away so they come off loose or go missing. Flashed areas include your chimney, skylights, vents, and roof edges. Check these locations and note for loose or missing flashing.

Rather than replace or reattach the flashing material yourself, seek the help of a roofing contractor. It’s safer that way.

What to Do If You Sustain Roof Damage from Wind

The trick is to act fast. Never delay intervention if you suspect or confirm wind-related roof damage. Do the following.

1. Don’t just inspect for damage signs, document them.

You know you can’t do anything to stop the wind from blowing. However, the action you take after it has passed is what matters more. Should you file a wind damage to shingles insurance, be sure to document the signs of damage.

Take pictures of debris and the damaged section of your roof. If you have previous pictures of your roof, those will help show the insurance company your roof’s original condition.

Record the date and time you noted these damage signs. Write down anything you observe pertaining to the wind damage.

2. Contact your insurance provider to report the roof damage.

Call your insurance company as soon as you can to convey the details of the wind damage.

The longer you wait before you file a wind damage to shingles insurance claim, the lower your chances to receive coverage. Call your insurance provider immediately to relay the incident. Find out what your insurance covers because your provider may have updated their policy.

Usually, insurance all companies send out insurance adjusters to inspect your roof. The adjuster will then make an estimate. It is good to have your own roofing contractor inspect your roof as well. You need a trained eye to assist you in claims.

3. Meet with your insurance adjuster and roofing contractor.

Insurance adjusters and roofing contractors can work together to produce an unbiased and honest estimate. You need a roofing contractor that specializes in wind damage insurance claims. This contractor must have the skill and experience to detect damage and help you navigate the insurance claim steps.

4. Wait for approval.

After you file the paperwork, all that’s left to do is to wait for the insurance company to approve your claim. You will get a roof repair or replacement.

By that time, your insurance provider will send out the first check so your roofing contractor can get to work. The second check will be provided after the repair or replacement to cover the rest of the expenses.

Read More: Four Decisive Steps To Claim Complete Roof Insurance

A Word About DIY Repairs

As much as you’re tempted to do so, never attempt to fix roof damage from wind on your own. Not only will you end up hurting yourself, but you might also inflict further damage on your roofing material. You don’t want that, do you?

Leave damage to the experts.

Got Roof Damage from Wind?

StormPros hopes that you learned from today’s guide about roof damage from wind. Damage may or may not always be apparent.

A simple visual check and documentation are the first steps to getting your roof back in shape. Recall the signs of wind damage. Even if you just suspect damage to be present, get a second opinion from a local roofing contractor. Yes, always go local because locally-based roofers understand the weather and are accessible.

We, the StormPros team, are insurance claim specialists. Your roofing problems in Allen TX are ours as well. That means we’re ready to help you get a timely roof repair or replacement through insurance claims.

But whether you file an insurance claim or not, we hope that you still choose us to complete your roofing projects. Check out our list of roofing services. Give us a call at 214-771-9372 to learn more or get a free quote!